Powe Pins
- 3V3-> It is capable of outputting 3.3V voltage and 1A current through a DC-DC voltage amplifier. It provides output when both (USB and Li-Po battery) power input connections are made. It can be used to supply units to be connected externally.
- VBAT -> It is used to connect the power input (V+) leg of a single cell Li-Po battery. It can also be used to provide power output in the range of 3.3V- 4.2V while providing power input from the Li-Po battery connector.
- GND->This is the common ground line of the circuit for all power and logic connection pins.
Logic Pins (Input/Output Pins)
All pins are used as digital input-output pins. Logic "0" corresponds to 0V and logic "1" corresponds to 3.3V voltage level.
Analog Pins
A0, A1, SCL, A2, A3 and A4 pins are used as input pins for analog signals. There are 6 pins in total.
Communication Pins
- TX-RX-> These are serial communication (UART) pins. Loading the code (firmware) and terminal communication is provided through these pins. While TX (D1) is output, RX (D0) is input pin. All digital pins can be used for UART communication.
- I2C-> Through the SDA and SCL pins any sensor or actuator can be controlled. SDA (both input and output) is the data line and SCL (output) is the clock synchronization pin. These pins are kept at logic "1" (3.3V) level with 10K pull-up resistors. Also referred to as SDA (D4) and SCL (D6). All digital pins are usable for I2C communication.
- SPI-> Through the MOSI, MISO and SCLK pins, any sensor or actuator can be controlled. MOSI (output), MISO (input) are data lines, SS is the passive device selection pin and SCLK (output) is the clock synchronization pin. Apart from SPI communication, they can also be used as digital input-output pins. These are also referred to as A5 (MO), A4 (MI), A3 (MC) and D5 (SS). All digital pins can be used for SPI communication.
- I2S, TWAI and IR (Infrared Remote Control) -> All digital pins are usable.
PWM Pins
- All digital pins can be used as Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) square wave output pins. These pins are also labeled A0 (PWM0), A1 (PWM1) and A2 (PWM2).
Pins A3, A4, A5 and D5 can be used to perform MTMS, MTDI, MTCK and MTDO functions respectively.
- The built-in addressable RGB LED is connected to the D3 pin.
Button Pin
- D2 pin is the pin to which the general purpose internal button named "BUTTON" is wired. It is also used to put the system into manual loading mode. It is kept at logic "1" (3.3V) level with a pull-up resistor of 10K. It is also named GPKEY.
Programming Pins
- The button named "BUTTON" connected to the D2 pin is used to set the system to manual load (BOOT) mode. It is kept at logic "1" (3.3V) level with a pull-up resistor of 10K. It is also named as BT.
- The "RESET" button must be held at logic "1" (3.3V) to allow the microprocessor to operate. This is ensured by the internally placed pull-up resistor. This button is connected to the "CHIP_EN" pin of the microprocessor. When the button is pressed, the pin is pulled to logic "0" (0V). This is used to reset the system.